History of Gold City Medical Centre
Gold City Medical Centre first opened its doors in 1985. It was initially a single doctor practice run by Dr Kevin Zischke within the Woolworths arcade. Dr Jean Covey joined the practice in 1993 and together they designed the current practice located at the corner of Gill Street and Mosman Street. About 10 years later, we expanded into the heritage building next door and we currently have room for 8 doctors, a nurse health room, 2 procedure areas, a childhood vaccination room.
In 2020, we established Charters Towers Respiratory Clinic with the support of the Commonwealth Health Department. This has provided a dedicated place for treatment of patients with respiratory symptoms during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Gold City Medical Centre and Charters Towers Respiratory Clinic have been involved in the Covid-19 Vaccination program since it began. The Respiratory Clinic has now closed and respiratory patient will now be seen in Gold City Medical Centre.
During 2022, Charters Towers Allied Health was established at 11-13 Gill Street. This area now houses QML Pathology, Rural Ultrasound Service, Audiology Services, Heartland Occupation Therapy and The Ochre Medical Director. In 2023, Gold City Medical Centre will be expanding into 87 Mosman Street. This will allow for expansion of our chronic disease service.
Gold City Medical Centre has been an accredited AGPAL general practice for over 30 years. AGPAL assesses our practice every three years to ensure that we meet current standards in General practice.
We have been a teaching practice for over 25 years. Medical Students from James Cook University, come to our practice during the second and fourth year of their training. Junior Doctors from Townsville University Hospital rotate through our practice every 8-10 weeks. Doctors who are doing specialist training in General Practice spend 1-2 years of their training program in our practice. Some of these doctors chose to stay at Gold City Medical Centre on completion of their training. We also work with overseas doctors, training them the Australia Medical System.