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Gold City Medical Centre has been a teaching practice for over 20 years. We teach registrars, medical students, overseas trained doctors and nurses.


Our registrars are doctors who have finished their university training and have then spent at least 2 years working in a hospital setting. They work as independent doctors within the practice but are more likely to seek advice from a senior doctor. They are also provided with further education towards their Fellowship of General Practice both within our practice and with a training provider based in Townsville. During our time training registrars, our practice is proud to have trained two registrars who have been awarded for achieving the highest mark in Queensland for their practical General Practice exam. 

During their training our registrars receive intensive training in the diagnosis and treatment of skin cancer. This includes training in excision techniques including flap repair for larger more complex excisions. Our registrars also receive excellent training in complex chronic disease and have the opportunity to do palliative care.

Junior Doctors

Gold City Medical Centre works with Junior Doctors rotating from Townsville University Hospital. These doctors work both at the surgery and at Eventide Residential Aged Care Facility. Some of these doctors will then progress to working full time in General Practice. While working with us they are supported by the more senior doctors in the practice with whom they will often consult.

Medical Students

Medical students are placed in our practice throughout most of the year.  Generally, there is only one student within our practice at any time.  These students may be talking with you before your consultation with your doctor, sitting in on consultations, or assisting the doctors or nurses with procedures.  This is valuable training for our young doctors; however, we also understand that at times you may wish to exclude the medical student from your care.  Neither the practice nor the student will be offended if you choose to be seen without the student present.

Overseas Trained Doctors

Due to the shortage of Australian trained doctors willing to work in rural areas we have employed overseas trained doctors over many years. These doctors are working towards their Australian General Practice Specialty exams. These overseas doctors receive training within our practice on a weekly basis which is specific to the Australian medical system. Our community has been enriched by doctors from many different cultures.


Our practice regularly has student nurses on placement. They are often local people who are enhancing their careers in healthcare with further training. Usually, they will spend about two weeks working closely with one of our registered or enrolled nurses. Your permission is required for these students to assist in your care. They are always supervised by our regular staff.